Besides selling my clothing online, I also work part time in an upscale retail Boutique called Jana in Studio City (los Angeles). Last year I was wearing some of my pants to work and whenever customers came in they asked me where the pants were that I was wearing.
I had to tell them that they were my samples and we didnt carry them in the store. This happened time after time so eventually I decided to start making them for the store. First I made 20 pair of pants, each one in a different fabric and just one size. They flew out of the store! Big hit! So little by little I continued to make more always using different fabrics. Some of Jana's customers have 6 or 7 pair now...each one in a different fabric. I think its our best selling pant now. The best part is that i get constant feedback from our retail customers on the fit and the fabrics and lots of suggestions for future fabrics etc. Due to popular request I started making some a bit latger and some a bit smaller. I only sell them online and in this one fabulous boutique because my production is still quite small. Not quite ready to expand and sell to other stores, but possibly in the future. They are super comfortable with huge pockets and every pair I make can be machine washed and dryed. No ironing please. A little wrinkled cotton is a nice look. I just made a new video of my pants below.. take a look!